My Life | Travel | VIP

My BFF Cow

By on November 14, 2013

If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, you’ve most definitely seen this guy: #fairmontcow, this little guy came into my possession during a mimosa filled morning during the 2013 Calgary Stampede. But what started as petty theft turned into an all-out charitable media blitz! My friends at Fairmont promised not to call the po-po if I agreed to […]

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Eat | Mlle Fab | Travel

Café Olimpico

By on November 12, 2013

Home sweet home… Montréal… after unpacking, this femme needs caffeine so off to Café Olimpico! Since my first introduction to this european influenced café in the Mile End quartier, it has always held a special place in mon coeur. Pourquoi? 3 reasons. 1. Killer café. Café Olimpico was founded by Rocco Furfaro and is now […]

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My Life | Travel | VIP

A Halloween with Hard Rock

By on November 11, 2013

This year Halloween seemed to go on forever! With October 31st falling on a Thursday, it seemed unclear if it would be best to party with costumes the weekend prior, or celebrate it a few days after the fact. Me, I decided to find a party that would happen on the actual day! Off to Palm Springs, where […]

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