Buyer’s remorse. Ick. Nothing is worse than the week after I purchase something and then I realise that I’ll never wear it. WAH! Luckily, with the aid of a new Canadian service: GemHaul, I can try the jewels before committing to purchase! Based out of Montréal, GemHaul offers a unique service to all of North America. […]
Category: Fashion
Lolë SS16
By immrfabulous on November 28, 2015Chestnuts roasting on an open fiiiiiiiiire… My imbibing lots of toooooooooasts! That’s right. I LOVE CHRISTMAS TREATS. To ensure I don’t turn into Jabba the Hutt over the holidays I need me some inspiration. Ask & Ye Shall Receive! To keep me on my path, Lolë launched 3 new collections for SS16! Lolë began in […]
Pajar X Sports Experts
By immrfabulous on November 25, 2015Let’s be honest. Winter on the east coast is like stepping into a walk-in freezer in a bikini. The humidity is that BRUTAL. I have actually played with the idea of belting a duvet around myself. True story. But this year, I am incredibly lucky as Pajar X Sports Experts sent me a gorgeous “Brooklyn” winter jacket! […]