Drink | Food | Mlle Fab | Sneak peek

La Grande Tournée du Chocolat Chaud Sneak Peek

By on January 20, 2017

What’s better than warm chocolate? Um. Nothing! Valrhona along with La Tablée des Chefs will please your tastebuds with La Grande Tournée du Chocolat Chaud. 9 days of the chocolate mainstay with a twist. 15 different creations all made with delicious Valrhona chocolate can be sampled all across Montréal as well as 7 delicious versions […]

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Drink | Eat | Travel

Where the ‘Buffalo’ Roam 

By on January 17, 2017

Last week I had a rare few days with no pre-planned commitment. It was the perfect time to spend some uninterrupted time with family. So I called my mom, flew her to Alberta and switched off the phone for a relaxing getaway to the mountains. And after a day filled with shopping, sightseeing and (let’s […]

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