
Come OUT, Be FAB!

October 11, 2019

Today is #NationalComingOutDay 

A day to share our stories so others know that they can share their’s. 

This is our way to let others know that they are loved and supported. 

Here’s mine: 

In 2001 I was outed on a national televised reality television series…

A team of producers attempted to create a storyline to remind me that I was ‘lesser than’ and undeserving of equality in our county. 

I will never forget how horrible I felt in that very moment and when I think about it, I can’t help but cry. 

I was just a kid and although what happened will never be forgiven or forgotten… I now choose my own storyline. 

Earlier this year, I re-wrote the script when CityLine invited me to Toronto to speak my truth.

18 years later I was able to say the words I wanted to say. 

Today I am prouder than ever to be who I am and I consider myself lucky to have been born gay.

I have family and community across the world that loves me unconditionally and I love them right back!

To anyone who feels anything less than valid and loved… know that you are.

Mr. Fab Out and Proud

To hear me tell my story on CityLine, click here.

Looking forward to reading your comments!