
CRAVE this!

By on March 1, 2011

You are so sweet and tasty, if I could marry you on a wild Vegas wedding I would! But stay away from the booze, I don’t like my cupcakes sloppy! Crave cookies and cupcakes, we would be the sexiest couple in Calgary. These delicious lil’ numbers will run you $2.75 each and have over a […]

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Oscar Night ‘cheats’

By on February 28, 2011

If you where lucky enough to miss the Oscars last night and now feel left out of the water cooler conversation today at work, just follow my quick comments and you’ll fit in just fine. #1. “Wasn’t Anne Hathaway just terrible last night? A trained monkey would have done a better job…” Now the convo about […]

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Eat | VIP

18th Annual LL Celebrity Hors d’oeuvres Night

By on February 26, 2011

Time to grab the scissors and cut myself outta my Spanxs! I’m the proud new daddy to a food baby thanks to the 18th annual Lawson Lundell Celebrity Hors d’oeuvre night. A fundraiser for ATP where Calgary celebrities and restaurants are team together and in a fierce competition against each other to ‘sell’ the most tasty morsels. Sadly […]

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