Drink | Eat

1918 Tap & Table

By on June 22, 2017

Tomorrow (June 23rd) a new restaurant experience will open in Calgary with a rather interesting twist. 1918 Tap & Table is a not for profit restaurant, owned by the Royal Canadian Legion Kensington chapter, through whom all proceeds made will be given away! The Kensington Legion will fund the proceeds into community based initiatives and […]

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Not Your Ordinary Caesar!

By on May 18, 2017

In 1969 restaurant owner Walter Chell created the world’s first Caesar cocktail in Calgary, Alberta! Pairing the simplistic ingredients of vodka, clam and tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce and other spices, Walter’s newest drink was an immediate hit… And within 5 years of its introduction, it had become one of Calgary’s most popular mixed drinks. Since […]

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