Eat | Travel

Pumpkin Party

November 3, 2014

Thanksgiving in Canada is over and our cravings for Pumpkin have turned to Peppermint. But with Americans still preparing to celebrate the Mayflower’s arrival, ‘pumpkin this and pumpkin that’ is still selling strong.

Here are 5 palate pleasers I’ve found on my latest trip to an American supermarket which of course are not available in Canada!

Real Pumpkin & Cinnamon Cream Cheese.


Imagine this creamed together with icing sugar and slathered on a cupcake!

Pumpkin Cookies


Oven ready, in 20 minutes you’re ready to cry alone over your recent break up while being soothed by warm sweetness

Pumpkin Cupcakes


Crave Cupcakes is ultimately the best bakery in Canada, but when they vault their seasonal favourites, you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do!

Pumpkin Spice Eggo


Looks like America leggo-ed our Eggos and we’ll be sticking to blueberry.

Pumpkin Latte Gum


Why wait in line at Starbucks when you can chew your latte.
Zero calories and all the flavour (for about 4 minutes)…

Looks like you win this year’s pumpkin battle America!

We’ll see you in December for the battle of the peppermint.

Mr. Fab kin


Looking forward to reading your comments!