To me Music is like fashion; If you like it, you like it.
Last night a pretty ingenious music event kicked off and I was just one of the lucky crowd members to be in attendance.
50 Days of Music with Ruben Young.
Day 1 introduced us to the artist and let us hear his sound.
Hundreds of some of the most attractive, music hungry 25-35 year olds piled into a tent in the middle of Currie Barracks, danced and sipped on the city’s local brews from Wild Rose Brewery.
And now, for the remainer of the 50 days, Ruben Young will be poping up all over Calgary, sharing his musical talents in the most creative and unexpected ways.
Through the use of social media (Twitter/Instagram), you can request Ruben to perform for you!
By hashtagging #50DaysYYC and the date number you want him to show up, his hard working PR team will be booking him unique and interesting engagements.
The more unique the idea, the better chance you’ll get noticed!
Here are a couple ideas I’ll be tweeting;
Day 14 Rafting down the Elbow, hop in a boat and play a few diddies for us! #50DaysYYC
Day 38 BBQ on my DT patio, I need music… and Songza’s not cutting it! #singforyoursupper #50DaysYYC
Now I’m not a millionaire but I have been told that Ruben is taking on some of these engagements at no charge so why not give it a shot.
Here’s a sample of his music, a Lana Del Rey cover he’s done: Trust me, you’ve never heard anything like it!
So start thinking of creative ways to enjoy 50 Days of Summer & Music and share them on Twitter!
Maybe it’s time for some back up music while you propose!
Mr. Fab 50