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The Most Outrageous Caesars in Canada

November 28, 2013

Canada is more than just maple syrup and snow! Did you know that the first Caesar cocktail was concocted in Calgary, AB?!


What originally started as a simple beverage containing “Clamato” Juice, vodka, a celery stalk and some spices back in the 1969 has morphed into an all out buffet featuring over-the-top ingredients and ridiculous accompaniments.

This is the Caesar of the 21st century!

Cabana Bar and Grille CROWD PLEASER

Recently I hit the road to find a collection of the most unusual recipes out there (like the one above) for a story I published with Travel+Escape.

To see some more wild Caesars check out my complete story HERE.

And if you know of any jaw dropping cocktails I may have missed, let me know!
I’d love to pop by your city and check them out!

Mr. Fab with a dash of Tabasco

Looking forward to reading your comments!