Eat | Travel

Cake & Cookies You’ve Never Seen!

June 27, 2013

Day 8 on my cleanse that will be featured on the Shaw network, and every day my craving for cake & cookies intensifies!

So I’ve been scouring the continent to see what my options will look like when the clock strikes midnight on day 12.

And things are looking delightfully delicious!

Key Lime Cookies and Frosting


I found these items on the shelves of a USA supermarket.

My guess is that it’s all Americana all the time.

Pink Lemonade Cookies & Frosting


This is why I love that Country.

… And as the small town gathers by the lake for their picture perfect picnic, the whistle of the steam engine can be heard blowing in the distance.

The circus is coming to town and they’re bringing…

Cotton Candy Cookies & Frosting


It seems it is just one amazing summer event after another. And of course, they all circulate around food!

But then I saw this last one, and jealousy hit…

I have yet to see the little Dough Boy come out with a maple leaf version of this for our Canadian celebrations!


It seems this year I will be singing the star-spangled banner for my treats…

A boy’s gotta do what a boy’s gotta do!

Love you America… now share!

Mr. Fab & frosting

  1. What I wanna know is where the doughboy got those shorts he’s wearing on that pink lemonade box.

Looking forward to reading your comments!