Famous Fridays | VIP

Famous Fridays (J.B)

March 25, 2011

Sometimes you meet the famous and you don’t even know it. Then 2 years pass and everywhere you look you see them.

This chance meeting takes place at an airport on my way to Toronto.

It was early in the morning and I was flying Westjet. I had a question about my seat so I went up to talk with the agent. In the middle of my query, a scraggly teenage girl approached the counter and interrupted my conversation with the agent.

She said, “I’m going to need security to meet me in Toronto to walk me through the airport.”

The agent and I looked at each other with bewilderment. Where were her parents?

She said “I’m travelling without my security so I’ll need someone to meet me at the gate to escort me, I’m quite famous.”

I looked at the little girl, I had never seen her before. I asked, “what do you do”

She scoffed at me and I lunged forward to spank her.

She replied “I’m a singer/songwriter”

The gate agent then said, “I’ve never seen you before, what’s your name”

She whispered “Justin Bieber


Hummm, Justin sounds like a boy’s name, I was very confused. Why would this little girl with bad hair lie about her name? Was she undercover?

At that moment another girl about 9 years old came up she looked really shy and nervous, she looked at the Miss. Bieber and said ” Hi Justine. I’m a big fan, could I get an autograph?” She shakily held out a pen and paper.

And know this is why I wanna slap the little brats face! He said, and I quote…

“I don’t really feel like it”

The little girl turned around and slunk back to her parents.

2 years later Mr. Bieber is confirmed to be a boy. He has blown up and is everywhere and all I want to do is teach him a thing or two about manners.

My thoughts on celebrities is, if you’re approached in a kind manner and you’re not running to make an appointment, TAKE THE TIME! We buy your way into fame and help pay your bills, 5 seconds to make a huge memory for a fan.

So to the 9-year-old girl, If you ever see Mr. Fab, I’ll be sure to ‘make the time’ for an autograph!

Mr. Fab-ograph