Famous Fridays

Famous Fridays (the Bachelorette)

By on July 1, 2011

This week I attended a great charity event where I donated the pay from my last ‘Corbis’ photo shoot to help out. The YYC4SLAVELAKE tweetup event. Helping the victims of Slave Lake start to rebuild their lives after forest fires destroyed 40% of their city. Many fabulous Calgarians opened their hearts and wallets to help […]

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My Life

Calgary Helping Slave Lake

By on June 29, 2011

This has become the fabulous week of charities, and giving my time to others. Although leaving my car downtown last night with its sunroof open, returning this morning to find a homeless man sleeping in it hardly constitutes ‘charity’, I still feel like I haven’t done enough. Tonight is a fantastic event to support the residents of Slave Lake, Alberta, who […]

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