A Fab Video

A Very FAB Video

March 10, 2014

After 3 years it was time to dust of FAB and bring my readers a NEW look!

A big thanks to Aisa, my web designer, who spent a million hours designing my new look and to the team from Crushed Rockets for their endless work in developing my re-launch video… From storyboard to finished product: you are creative geniuses!

Crushed Rockets

And of course to my incredible friends & Twitter personalities who starred in this video.

The Blonde @pameLAgrrr

The Brunette @Alexandra_Rita

MrFab Pamela Alexandra

And to a pretty amazing photographer, Camielle C,  who not only took all the photos during the shoot for my web imaging, but also made a small cameo in the video. A talented multi-tasker indeed!

Finally, last but not least, my readers and the PR teams who have supported me and helped make my dreams a reality over the last 3 years. I never could have imaged my life would’ve ended up so FABULOUS!


I hope you enjoy the ‘NEW’ look

Mr. Fab logger and dreamer

Looking forward to reading your comments!