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Mannequin Monday, for Charity

September 17, 2012

Sometimes it’s the little things you do that can make a big difference.

This week, if you find yourself at Southcentre Mall, you can support the cause I’ve Been Bullied by dropping off just one vote into a ballot box!

Myself, along with 9 other notable Calgarians, were was asked to style a mannequin and go head to head in the first ever Fashion Face Off for charity.

We were each assigned one retailer to pull clothes from; the shop given to me, Express.

We could pick anything that we thought would represent current fashion trends and of course, our personal styles.

As I’ve always dreamt of being an Olsen twin, this task was not easy.

I wanted it all!

But after a few hours of editing I had a look I was satisfied with!

Mixing patterns, gold accessories, and a splash of color, this was my final choice!

Now I leave it to votes and hope that I can collect enough in my ballot box to earn my charity the $1500 prize.

I chose to work with I’ve Been Bullied because I believe that we all have the right to be who ever we are and feel proud of it.

The Founder, Catherine Oshanek, offers schools and countless outlets the chance to invite her in to speak on the subject.

Sharing her thoughts and talents to help others stand up and speak out.

The mannequins and voting (centre court in Southcentre) will be open now until Friday September 28th.

So go vote!

Mr. Fab style

Looking forward to reading your comments!