Model Mondays | My Life

Model Monday (big business)

September 26, 2011

Another day another dollar in the fabulous life of a male stock model.

33% of all photo shoots I am requested for are to do with corporate business and since I have never had a big boy office job, I have had to use my imagination on what I think might be happening.

My first thought was how I’d rather be un-employed than have to wake up at 6:00 every morning, putting on my big boy pants and looking in the mirror giving myself a daily pep talk.

Next I imagined the throbbing headache that would develop from being so sleep deprived.

But living in Calgary I would likely be working at a fat cat oil company so most of my day would be spent dreaming of what to do with all my bonus money.

After a hard day of buisness lunches I would be plum tuckered out and ready for a nap.

Well after all it ain’t easy playing big business, but with a little imagination and a tie anyone can do it!

Mr. Fab usiness man

  1. Haha this post made me laugh. You look so cheeky in that first picture!!! I can only imagine where you *though* you might be going to work. Awesome pics, you look great.

Looking forward to reading your comments!