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Famous Fridays (The Help)

August 12, 2011

Last night I went to the movies, the movie I had been waiting for was out, The Help. Once again, much like Benjamin Button, Viola Davis gives an Oscar worthy performance.

The movie shows the worlds guilty past filled with human discrimination and combined with the story of  every day heroes.

This topic has been on my mind ever since I saw the viral YouTube clip from councilman Joel Burns when he spoke to city council about bullying.

Our world which should be filled with so much joy, happiness and fun is constantly plagued by people looking to bring others down, and for what reason?

Instead of pointing out all the disgusting people in this world, I’d much rather say thank you to the heroes.

The ones who have taken a stand and said “things are not all right”, the ones willing to put themselves in front of the firing squad to say “Stop”

The people who have taken the time to help others grow.  To the Aunt that might have said, “you’re worth it” when their parents did not, to the teacher who spent a little extra time explaining, or to the friend that was there to listen and support. You’ve made a big difference.

As the character Abilene says in ‘The Help’

You is Kind

You is Smart

You is Important

To all those people with common sense and a conscious heart,

Thank You!

Mr. Fab

Looking forward to reading your comments!