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Teenage Paparazzo hits Canada

July 17, 2011

Yesterday I was invited to a screening, Q&A and press conference for Teenage Paparazzo by Adrian Grenier (of Entourage fame) who is doing a 20 city North American tour.

The independent film was right up my alley…. Celebrity, Paparazzi and our insatiable need to pry into the lives of others whether they like it or not.

In the film Adrian decides to be-friend a 13-year-old paparazzi to get a view into the inner working of their trade and eventually goes undercover to test his skills as one. During the film we find 13-year-old pap named Austin who shares his passion, his talent and the inherent truth that he too strives for fame. Snapping photos and staying out till 3am to get the perfect shot, all with his parents approval. I couldn’t help but notices his mothers Louis Vuitton, was that a gift from her son, who’s photos can average $500-$1000 per pic. Maybe that’s how she sleeps at night, letting her child endanger himself, all in the name of fashion!

The movie shows us what we don’t see as we read our newstand tabloids; The source. But is what they do ‘right’?

I have many strong feelings on the subject. The question; is photographing stars and invading their personal space appropriate, or as Adrian put it, “Moral?” Did celebrities sign up for this? Well I asked Adrian and my answer from him….’very obscure.’

He replied “I wont take a stance on the issue. I’m not going to stand on a soap box and say whether it’s right or not.”

The whole film left me a bit confused and even possibly angry. I wondered if this film wasn’t directed by a celebrity, would this screening and press conference even be a buzz in Calgary? On the one hand I am hearing, ‘Don’t follow us or photograph us… we want our privacy.’ And on the other, ‘ Look at me… buy my stuff, write about me, photograph me, follow me on twitter.’

So what is it, what do you want? Shall I leave you alone, not buy your products or watch your shows and pretend I don’t know who you are? If that’s the case, I hope you will enjoy living pay check to pay check like the rest of us. Or would you like option two? I see you in the middle of the street and I tell you I love your work and ask you to sign my US Weekly?

Choice is yours.

Mr. Fab arazzi